Hi all! We will be using this blog post to share updates about our new apple orchard addition to our farm! Here's the official announcement below. We'll be adding updates to this post as we go through the process!
πApple Orchard Update!π How would you guys like more video content from us?! We’re going to try to get better about that! Today Matt is sharing an update about the apple trees we will be planting this spring including where and when we will be planting them! (Side note, when he says we sold our cows he’s talking about himself. His parents Dean and Debbie still have lots of dairy and beef cattle here on the farm.) π
Recently we found out that our county offers a grant for 4-H aged kids to receive partial funding for special horticulture / agriculture projects. Our daughter, Caroline, applied for the grant and was accepted!
She will be using this grant (with dad & mom's help) to start a u-pick apple orchard here at our farm!!! We've been dreaming about growing apples for a while (this is actually a very common request that we get), and it seems it's finally all coming together. We plan to plant 140 dwarf apple trees this spring. From what we understand, they should be ready to harvest in 3-4 years if all goes well.
We should be getting the trees and planting them within the next couple weeks to a month. We're excited to share the whole experience with you! Stay tuned!