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2024 New Additions: Barn Remodel

Shelley Colson • July 10, 2024

Saving a piece of our history.

If you've been to our farm, you've most likely noticed this nasty old barn out near the gravel lane. You know, when you look at something long enough, sometimes you don't notice it anymore. That's what happened to us. Ha!

By the end of last season, we knew we needed to give this structure some attention because it was falling into serious disrepair and we might lose it if we didn't fix it.

What you may not know is that while this farm has been in the immediate family since 1994, before that it was owned by Debbie's parents (the Penningtons) for many years. We learned from Debbie that this hay shed building was built in two parts. The first, older part was actually built in a different location on our farm and MOVED to its current spot. It was used as the first milking parlor on this farm when Dean and Debbie moved to the farm in 1994.

When Matt was a teenager, his dad caught him trying to rig up a spot outside the original structure for his show cows. Soon, he added the newer half of the barn as a show cow barn.

As we began looking over the barn this winter, we realized the old half (left side) of the barn was beyond saving. Check out this video to see how easily it came down....

After the demo, there was a lot of clean up to be done, as well as removing the old metal and siding from the half of the barn we saved. This is all that was left......we also tore off the metal roof and replaced it too.

The new part of the barn was framed.

We decided on red metal siding, a gray metal roof, and white trim.

Matt even made all of Shelley's dreams come true and added a cupola and weather vane to the barn! Any other cupola lovers out there?

There's just one exterior detail left to finish - the iconic white X's on the barn doors. We will be adding those soon and will be sure to share the final result!

Now, we've started working on turning the inside of the barn into a wonderland of FUN for your kiddos! There will be a number of fun indoor activities that will be INCLUDED with our Pumpkin Ridge Passes and Fun Passes this fall.

Here's one tiny sneak peek of the design of the mural that Shelley is working on painting in this barn! Pssst, if you don't watch our Instagram stories, you should! We've been sharing lots of behind-the-scenes videos of painting the mural.

Stay tuned for lots more details about our plans for the inside of this barn in our next blog post! We're so excited about this new addition for our 2024 fall season.

Thanks for reading,

The Colson Family

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